The Definitive WordPress Plugins List [for Travel Bloggers]

Essential WordPress Plugins list for Travel Bloggers

This is a beginner’s guide to WordPress Plugins for travel bloggers.

Why trust this list?

These are not WordPress Plugins that I listed here by chance, since it simply serves as a personal memo every time I want to create a new site. In fact, these are the Plugins I currently use on

So I’d rather have it up to date and well-informed! By the way, if you find that some Plugins are missing or if there are some that are out of date, please send me a message!

Here’s what you need to begin creating your own travel blog:

#1 Security: Wordfence and (or) iThemes Security

#2 AAWP: a MUST-HAVE if you want to make big money with Amazon affiliate.

#3 Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced)

#4 Classic Editor

#5 Disable Comments

#6 Fast Secure Contact Form

#7 Google XML Sitemaps

#8 Limit Login Attempts

#9 WP Meta and Date Remover (Remove Meta information such as Author and Date from posts and pages.)

#10 WP Rocket

#11 Yoast SEO

#12 Google Authenticator : gives you two-factor authentication using the Google Authenticator app for Android/iPhone/Blackberry (Essential to secure your website and prevent it from being hacked)

#13 WPS Hide Login : lets you easily change the url of the login form page (usually /wp-admin or wp-login) to anything you want. Another essential plugin against hackers.

Note: Keep in mind that the fewer Plugins you use, the faster your website will be!



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